The talking newspaper for Coventry provide free audio content for the blind and visually impaired in Coventry and Warwickshire. Featuring news from local papers, information, council updates, what’s on and local sport. Our audio is also available from itunes, smart phone apps and from this web site. postbag@talkingnewspaper.org.uk
Audio from the Coventry Talking Newspaper for the Blind & Partially Sighted.
Coventry News and Sport Recorded on the 30th August 2023.
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Coventry Talking Newspaper
Taking it’s news from local newspapers, the Coventry talking newspapers provides 90 minutes of audio every week. Produced from it’s recording and duplicating studios at the COVENTRY RESOURCE CENTRE FOR THE BLIND in Earlsdon Coventry. The organization is run by local volunteers.
The talking newspaper for Coventry started in 1976, producing a 30 minute cassette delivered by hand to a small number of people in Coventry. Increasing listenership was helped by royal mail agreeing to deliver the tape free of charge to all it’s listeners in Coventry followed by a increase in broadcast material to 60 mintues each week. In 1990 a further increase of material took the weekly show to 90 minutes. The new millenium started to take the show to new media. A trial producing and delivering the show on CD produced mixed resuts followed by a trial on USB stick. The USB stick was the preferred buy diazepam ireland option and also opened further developments inclusing SD card, internet broadcast and itunes and smartphone app download. The cassette is now phasing out and the show looks now to continue to broadcast on a multiple of digital platforms.
Request for new members, readers, audio technicians, written material, content providers, press releases, reporters, interviewers and interviewees.
Coventry Talking Newspaper has been providing free audio content for the blind and visually impaired in Coventry and Warwickshire for over 46 years. Featuring news, information, council updates, what’s on and sport. The audio is available from itunes, google podcast, smart phones, audio directories, smart speakers and relevant apps.
We are in looking for volunteers and supporter groups in the area to assist us in providing audio content.
Are you a local business, charity, solution provider or marketing executive who could join us every month on a virtual meeting to let us know of current services? Or maybe you’re someone who could read the news at our recording studio every other week? We would love to hear from you.
We are looking to increase our weekly stream of audio content that gets produced into a weekly audio package and distributed online every Thursday. Audio content can be sent to us via email attachment, recorded at our studios in Earlsdon, or recorded by us via a virtual meeting from any computer. Originally duplicated onto cassette, we now distribute content via podcasts and smart-speakers. Current distribution methods have no time restrictions which now allow us to distribute more audio. All we ask is that the content is relevant to blind and partially sighted listeners in Coventry.
Coventry Talking Newspaper is a registered charity and has been run by volunteers since 1976. If you feel you can provide assistance to our charity to produce audible content, please contact us at postbag@talkingnewspaper.org.org or call us at the Coventry Resource Centre on 024 7671 7522.
For More Information visit www.talkingnewspaper.org.uk