Coventry Talking Newspaper would like to thank the following companies for their support, donations and free services in making the music themes, jingles and voice overs possible for our show.
[podloveaudio src=”″ title=”Jingles “]
Clare Anderson UK Female Voice Over Artist – Voice over recordings and voice talent
AKM Music – Royalty free music. Non copyright downloads
We also purchased the relevant license for the following theme music.
[podloveaudio src=”″ title=”Fast Music Jingles “]
How to make your own jingles?
Whilst you can go to 3rd a party company to create a radio or TV jingle, its really easy nowadays to locate the best music, vocalist and voice over online and craft together with the some of the worlds best software. Create your own jingles enables you retain control of the production and mix the best of everything for a complete tailored fit.
1. Find Music
Royalty free and license music that can be purchased for your needs
2.Find vocals / session jingle / Jingle singer (if required)
Session singers are easily available online:
3. Find Voice Over
4. Mix Together
User software to mix music and vocals
Pro Tools – Industry standard for audio editing software
Logic – Apples audio editing software
Apple GarageBand – Apples cheaper version of Logic
Audacity – The worlds NO.1 Free audio editing software
Melodyne – including pitch correct, vocal length and adding harmonies.
Variaudio – Part of cubase family. Similar to Melodyne
Goldwave – Audio editor. Often overlooked but has powerful audio tools
waves tune – Pitch correction and vocal effects software
Vielklang – Creating harmonies from solo recording
Autotune – Auto tune software
Harmony Engine – Easily create harmonies
Reaper – Full audio music editing software
Tal reverb – Plugin to add reverb to music and vocals
Nectar Elements – Vocal Enhancements
Mutools Mulab – Digital Audio Software
Sony Acid – Digital Audio Software
Steinberg Nuendo – Digital Audio Software
Magix Samplitude Pro X – Digital Audio Software
Renoise – Digital Audio Software
Tracktion – Digital Audio Software
Bitwig Studio – Digital Audio Software
MOTU Digital Performer – Digital Audio Software
Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio – Digital Audio Software
Cakewalk Sonar – Digital Audio Software
Propellerhead Software Reason – Digital Audio Software
Image-Line FL Studio – Digital Audio Software
PreSonus Studio One – Digital Audio Software
Ableton – Digital Audio Software
Alternatively, use on the following companies who will complete the jingle making process for clients. The advantage to this, is that an experienced production company can control the audio vocals overall sound. Many of them use online vocalists from the contacts listed above. They then piece together with pro audio software (or something similar) with their own music composition. Using their own musical compositions means they won’t be available to other outlets. Some will even make arrangements for the music to be exclusive for a period of time.
With some of these professional jingle companies using the same or similar session singers, obtaining a unique sound (if that’s what is needed) can prove to be a hard task. Music4 and bespoke music use Session singer online. Brandy, Reelworld, Ignite, S2Blue use Virtual vocals. Therefore wanting to create something unique and different could mean searching on-line for your own personal session singer.
When purchasing a package of jingles from these production companies, more recently they use the same theme and musical composition and play around with the production, tempo and voice to create a variation or transitional version of the original sound. That’s perfectly fine if you want each jingle to be similar, especially if you want the same tune pushed into a listeners mind every 10 minutes. If a more uniqueness sound for each jingle is a requirement, it could be better to create each jingle using different composers, production companies and singers. The advise and links above can assist with this.
Jingle Collectors
There are numerous groups on the internet and around the world of companies who collect jingles and talk on forums about the latest musical compositions for branding including and