Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
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Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
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Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
Talking Newspapers, Audio, Podcasts and Radio Leave a Comment
Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
Talking Newspapers, Audio, Podcasts and Radio Leave a Comment
Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
Talking Newspapers, Audio, Podcasts and Radio Leave a Comment
Local talking news for the blind and visually impaired from Birmingham Monthly Magazine, brought to you by British wireless for the Blind Fund streamed service.
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2023 is not a leap year but next year (February 29 2024) will be. The next leap year will be 2024. To maintain our calendar in sync with the Earth’s rotation around the Sun, leap days are required as the Earth completes one orbit of the Sun in around 365.242189 days.
The last leap day was February 29, 2020. When there is a leap year, February 29 is added to the calendar as a Leap Day. The year becomes 366 days long instead of 365 days as it would be without this extra day, commonly known as Leap Year Day.
We would lose approximately six hours a year if there weren’t an extra, or intercalary, day on February 29 nearly every four years. A calendar without leap years would be wrong by about 24 days after just 100 years. Thus, seasonal days like the vernal equinox or the winter solstice would change in respect to the calendar months. For instance, the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, which occurs in late September, would occur in late August in 100 years, and in a few centuries,
If you are employed on an hourly rate and work an additional eight hours on February 29 due to the leap year, then you are entitled to an increase of eight hours.
With a contract, despite working an extra day on leap years, you will receive the same basic pay each month are not eligible to any more . This is due to the fact that you have agreed a fixed pay for the entire year and earnings will have have taken into account the extra leap year day.