Following its most recent inspection, Coventry City Council’s children’s services received a “good” rating.
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The assessment, which followed a thorough three-week examination involving nine inspectors, revealed a significant improvement from the previous inspection five years prior, when the services were labelled as needing “improvement to be good.”

However, the inspection revealed that the Council services protecting some of the city’s most at-risk residents had “improved in all categories,” with all sections receiving “good” ratings.
According to the study, the entire council has a strong political commitment to children’s services. A large sum of money has been spent on a multi-agency early support centre that serves all wards.
“Coventry values children’s voices, and a robust participation programme makes sure that kids’ opinions are heard and taken into consideration at all levels of the local government.
“The majority of kids receive care when they need it and reside in suitable, long-term settings that cater to their requirements. As a consequence, most youngsters experience, make progress, and achieve better results.
According to the research, “Most children in care benefit from dedicated social workers who get to know them well and are quite proud of their accomplishments.
“The ambition and perseverance of senior leaders have transformed services for kids and families in Coventry. As a result, relationship-based and restorative social work is now integrated across all aspects of the services provided to children.
Since the last inspection, there has been a significant shift in the organization’s culture and priorities, which has improved results for the majority of the children.
The research also makes a compelling case for the effectiveness of the connections between Coventry City Council and its partner organisations, including the police and the health department.
It reads: “Stronger multi-agency collaboration within the local government safeguards minors from exploitation. This is a tremendous asset since it enables the police and children’s services to work together effectively on mapping and disruption tasks.
The MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) is well run and responds to enquiries and referrals in a timely manner.
“Children’s engagement is a genuine asset in this local government,” the article adds. Social work and councillor training engage children and young people. CAMHS is now working with young people in the commissioning process to provide mental health and emotional well-being services for care leavers.
All of this makes sure that Coventry’s children’s services are sensitive to the requirements of kids and teenagers.
Cllr Pat Seaman, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We are delighted with the report from Ofsted. It shows the incredible amount of hard work and care that has gone into improving Children’s Services in the city from our own incredibly dedicated staff through to the wide-ranging partners we work with.
“Everyone should be proud of the achievements and the progress made, but this is not the end of our journey. The children and families in Coventry deserve the very best and we will continue to strive to improve to achieve ‘outstanding’ next time.
“I am passionate about improving services for children and it is clear there is a commitment from politicians, partners and staff to make a real difference to ensure that children are at the heart of everything we do, and that they continue to receive the help and support that makes a difference to their lives.”
John Gregg, Director of Children’s Services, said: “This rating has only been made possible with the support of our amazing young people, their families and their carers and through our work with partners. We have worked as One Coventry to improve outcomes for the children and young people of the city and will continue to do so.
“We would like to thank all colleagues and partners for the work they have done over the course of our journey to ‘good’. It has been hard work, but everyone has tackled it head on with such enthusiasm and dedication. The needs of the children and their families have driven everything we have done.
“We have a lot to be proud of, but we will study the report and work on those areas that can be improved and continue our work to give the best service possible to the children and young people of Coventry and their families.”
The full report can be read online on Ofsted’s website.
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