World Sight Day was celebrated recently on 13th October to raise awareness of blindness throughout the world, and to mark this important occasion the local supplier, Laplock in Coventry, very generously made one of these super little machines available to every Visually Impaired Association with a Resource Centre in the UK. The talking newspaper for Coventry has it's studios within the Coventry Resource Centre for the Blind from which we produce our weekly programme. However,many of our listeners may not be fully aware of all the services available through the Resource Centre
It is open to anyone with a visual disability three days every week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, with plans in hand to extend this to a full 5-day opening in the future. Within the centre are all sorts of help, services, equipment and training available specially for the visually impaired. For those not familiar, the Boombox is a small unit, about the size of a half pound of butter (!), which plays memory sticks – the modern, durable alternative to cassette tape for audio recording, already used extensively by Calibre, and progressively being introduced for the weekly Coventry talking newspaper programme. The Boombox on which the memory stick – which is the size of a lipstick – can be played is very easy to use, gives excellent sound quality and is not expensive. More information is available by talking to Rosie buy cheap valium online india Brady here at the Resource Centre, and the Centre will benefit from a generous donation of £5 by Laplock for every Boombox they sell.
Information taken from laplock website :
Boom Box Plus Introduction Video
Introduction to Boom Box Plus (Boom Box 3)
Introduction to Boom Box Plus Part 2
Comparison between Boom Box plus and 2nd Generation Boom Box
Comparison between Boom Box Plus and 2nd Generation Boom Box Part 2
Boom Box Plus and 2nd Generation Boom Box Book marking manual. Please click on the link below
Boom Box Book Marking facility
Rechargeable batteries for the Boom Box Plus
Other FAQ
Can listeners move back and forth within a track (i.e repeat telephone numbers)?
Boom Box plus (or any of the other USB playback system) can’t fast forward or backwards within a track. Although when the sound technician is editing the recording you can break up the mp3 into smaller segments or a mp3 file can be created just for telephone numbers. To include this function will require far more superior processors (increasing the cost) but also it will add more buttons increasing the complexity.
Easy Copier provide a complete solution for recording, transferring and sending out digital information using USB memory sticks.Easy Copier specialises in helping TNs to upgrade to digital technology. Gradually as cassette players and recorders are being phased out the argument for going digital grows stronger.