2013 Jingles update
Coventry Talking Newspaper would like to thank the following companies for their support, donations and free services in making the music themes, jingles and voice overs possible for our show.
Clare Anderson UK Female Voice Over Artist
www.voiceovers.co.uk – Voice over recordings and voice talent
AKM Music – Royalty free music. Non copyright downloads
2015 Jingles update
[podloveaudio src=”http://kmy.7d3.mywebsitetransfer.com/radiojingles/Radio_Jingles_demo.mp3″ title=”Outlook 2015 Jingle Package ” chapters=”my-chapter-field” duration="00:03:05"]
[podloveaudio src=”http://kmy.7d3.mywebsitetransfer.com/radiojingles/Radio_Jingle_inst.mp3″ title=”Instrumental Music Jingle ” duration=”00:00:34″]
Following a purchase of licenses to use the non-custom music from premium beats for new theme music, we set to create the music introduction jingles. The jingles used in the demonstration above use the jumper soundtrack from premium beats, existing voice overs (provided by Clare Anderson and voiceovers Ltd) were used and the track completed with the singing vocal talents of Josiah Ruff . To save costs, all the editing and production was completed by the in-house production and studio team at Coventry Talking Newspaper meaning all the work was completed under the £150 ($230) budget.

The backing tracks and vocals were imported into audacity, edited and enhanced using nectar enhancement software. Our youtube clip shows the process involved.
Power Intro Jingles
One advantage to obtaining all the vocal only cuts is the fact the vocals can be added to any background. Some radio stations create “power intros” by adding vocal elements to the start of songs. It’s very easy to do and can sound effective. Although we would never need power intros, I played around with some as an example.
[podloveaudio src=”http://kmy.7d3.mywebsitetransfer.com/radiojingles/powerintros.mp3″ title=”Power intro example “]
Do we like these jingles?
They turned out to better than we ever expected and better than anything else we have heard. By using a specialised music company to focus on the music, a vocal talent company to provide the best singing voices and our own production skills to taylor to our exact needs, we managed to bring the absolute best of everything together. The outcome blew us away. Secondly the combination is unique. The ability to link different musical works to any vocal singer around the world using the internet and correct production software means a very open market to create something specific.
What are radio jingles?
Jingles are an audio way to identify a station, brand or program through music and voice or vocals. The radio times wrote an article analysing the radio jingles used on radio 1 throughout the years. Radio has traditionally opted for sung jingles to build an image in the listeners mind, whereas TV concentrates more on visual effects to create an image. Sung vocals are more expensive than spoken voice and many brands opt for a spoken voice when budgets are tight. The bbc academy offered a workshop on creating radio jingles in 2013.
How to make your own radio jingles?
Whilst you can go to 3rd a party company to create TV or radio jingles, its really easy nowadays to locate the best music, vocalist and voice over online and craft together with the some of the worlds best software. Creating your own jingles enables people to retain control of the production. Then mix the best of everything for a complete tailored fit. Better still, if you know of a good vocalist and use can source some free background music then free jingles are a possibility if you have a PC and some of the free audio editing software available. There are four points to making your own jingles: Locate music, find vocals, add a voice over and mix together. Here is a list of companies that can assist with the four points in Jingle production.
- 1. Find Music
Royalty free and license music that can be purchased for your radio jingles
Starts from £59 per track |
premium beat
Cost per track. Several license options available. **Top pick for quality |
Cost per track. Several license options available. |
akm music
Cost per album, then unlimited usage |
audio jungle
Cost per track. Several license options available. **Best Value Site and easy to use site |
beat suite
Starts from $80 per track |
smart sound | audio blocks One annual fee of $99 per year and use as much as needed |
royalty free music |
machinimasound | marmoset music | audio network |
the music bed | license lab | tune fruit Quality music premium prices |
song freedom |
- 2.Find vocals / session jingle / Jingle singer (if required)
Radio Jingle session singers are easily available online:
- 3. Find Radio Voice Over
Find the voice that with create the best image for your brand.
- 4. Mix Together
User software to mix music and vocals to create your radio jingles. Which software is based upon what your are familiar with and can afford.
Pro Tools – Industry standard for audio editing software
Logic – Apples audio editing software
Apple GarageBand – Apples cheaper version of Logic
Audacity – The worlds NO.1 Free audio editing software
Melodyne – including pitch correct, vocal length and adding harmonies.
Variaudio – Part of cubase family. Similar to Melodyne
Goldwave – Audio editor. Often overlooked but has powerful audio tools
waves tune – Pitch correction and vocal effects software
Vielklang – Creating harmonies from solo recording
Autotune – Auto tune software
Harmony Engine – Easily create harmonies
Reaper – Full audio music editing software
Tal reverb – Plugin to add reverb to music and vocals
Nectar Elements – Vocal Enhancements
Mutools Mulab – Digital Audio Software
Sony Acid – Digital Audio Software
Steinberg Nuendo – Digital Audio Software
Magix Samplitude Pro X – Digital Audio Software
Renoise – Digital Audio Software
Tracktion – Digital Audio Software
Bitwig Studio – Digital Audio Software
MOTU Digital Performer – Digital Audio Software
Acoustica Mixcraft Pro Studio – Digital Audio Software
Cakewalk Sonar – Digital Audio Software
Propellerhead Software Reason – Digital Audio Software
Image-Line FL Studio – Digital Audio Software
PreSonus Studio One – Digital Audio Software
Ableton – Digital Audio Software
Making Jingles from Youtube clips
Youtube has 1000s of self help guides including guides to making your own radio jingles.
Alternatively, use on the following companies who will complete the jingle making process for clients. The advantage to this, is that an experienced production company can control the audio vocals overall sound. Many of them use online vocalists from the contacts listed above. They then piece together with pro audio software (or something similar) with their own music composition. Using their own musical compositions means they won’t be available to other outlets. Some will even make arrangements for the music to be exclusive for a period of time.
Jingle Production Companies
www.music4.com – Website not updated since 2013
wise buddah jingles – Run by Mark Goodier DJ
Jam Jingles – Early radio 1 and radio 2 jingles based in the USA
iq beats – Produced Heart FM in early 2000
reel world – Heart Fm 2015 packages
s2 blue – Formally Alfasound and produced hundred of jingles in the early ILR years
Thompson creative – Used on Hospital radio markets
Brandy jingles – Produces for Qradio in Belgium
Sharpsell – Run by Pat Sharp
On the sly productions – Produces Jingles for Radio Nova in Australia
mcasso – Used heavily for BBC local radio from 2010 onwards
Pure jingles – Used by BBC Radio 1
Radioscape music – Created the famous Radio Disney Jingles
Imaging blueprint – Production for z100 in New York
David Arnold Music – Famed for Classic FM Jingles and Sky News Theme Jingle
Murfin music – Produced hundred of Jingles in the 90’s – Website now closed.
Sue Manning – Jingles in Early 80’s then closed down.
With some of these professional jingle companies using the same or similar session singers, obtaining a unique sound (if that’s what is needed) can prove to be a hard task. Music4 and bespoke music use Session singer online. Brandy, Reelworld, Ignite, S2Blue use Virtual vocals. Therefore wanting to create something unique and different could mean searching on-line for your own personal session singer.
When purchasing a package of jingles from these production companies, more recently they use the same theme and musical composition and play around with the production, tempo and voice to create a variation or transitional version of the original sound. That’s perfectly fine if you want each jingle to be similar, especially if you want the same tune pushed into a listeners mind every 10 minutes. If a more uniqueness sound for each jingle is a requirement, it could be better to create each jingle using different composers, production companies and singers. The advise and links above can assist with this.
Radio Jingles – The Collectors
There are numerous groups on the internet and around the world of companies who collect jingles and talk on forums about the latest musical compositions for branding including jinglemad.com and jinglenews.com.
[podloveaudio src=”http://kmy.7d3.mywebsitetransfer.com/jingles/jingle_example.mp3″ title=”2013 Jingles “]